Delivering Dignity and Health to Niagara’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers

In a significant step towards improving the health and well-being of seasonal agricultural workers, the Welland McMaster Family Health Team (WMFHT) and REACH Niagara, in collaboration with the Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group, are excited to announce a new initiative that brings essential healthcare services directly to those in need through use of REACH Niagara’s Mobile Health Clinic, powered by TELUS.

Seasonal agricultural workers in the Fenwick area now have access to medical care every other Sunday, thanks to the innovative clinics on wheels. This partnership aims to provide greater privacy and dignity to workers seeking healthcare, addressing a critical need within this often-underserved population.

“Our mission is to provide accessible healthcare, and this partnership with WMFHT allows us to bring medical services directly to seasonal agricultural workers who play such an essential role in our community,” says Carolyn Dyer, Executive Director, REACH Niagara. “By providing non-judgemental and low-barrier health care services, we hope to make a meaningful difference in their lives.”

“As a Board member of the WMFHT and a volunteer assisting with our Pelham Annual Health Fair for Migrant Farm Workers, I am pleased we have partnered with REACH Niagara this year. This collaboration allows us to utilize REACH’s Mobile Health Clinic at our Sunday Migrant Farm Workers' Health Clinics in Fenwick. The REACH Mobile Health Clinic now provides a more private and dignified space for the workers to meet with the clinicians and doctors from the Family Health Team,” says Cathy Berkhout-Bosse, WMFHT Board Director, Community Leader. “One of the goals of our new WMFHT strategic plan is to provide expanded support, access, and equity of care through community outreach and to establish an inclusive primary health care system. The REACH Mobile Clinic has helped us achieve this goal.”

The WMFHT is in its fourth consecutive year of running these health clinics, bolstered by the new mobile facility that promises to enhance the reach and quality of care provided.

"The Welland McMaster Family Health Team is pleased to provide the Migrant Worker Health Clinic in the Niagara South area for the fourth season in a row. This clinic provides medical care to a previously underserviced, but important population in our community,” says Dr. Sarah Ollier, Physician Lead for the Migrant Worker Health Clinics. “The clinic is grateful to the WMFHT staff, the physicians of the Rose City Medical Associates and Fonthill Medical Associates, and the volunteer interpreters who give their time and skills to make this clinic possible. A special thank you as well to the Fenwick United Church for providing the parking space for our clinic on Sunday afternoons.  We are proud of the success of our clinic so far, but are continually looking to grow and improve, to allow us to provide more comprehensive care to our patient population.”

Image 1: Welland McMaster Family Health’s Health Promoter, Lauren DeNapoli, alongside Sara Escarraga from Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group at the Health Fair at Fenwick United Church

Connect with Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group:

Instagram: @NiagaraMWIG

Connect with WMFHT:

Facebook: @WellandMcMasterFHT

About REACH Niagara

With the mission to work with community partners to provide compassionate care and reduce barriers to healthcare for the homeless and marginalized, REACH - Regional Essential Access to Connected Healthcare - Niagara provides a number of healthcare services including ongoing primary care, select form assistance, connection to supports, counselling harm reduction supplies, preventative care screening, system navigation, and referrals.

Community members can learn more about REACH Niagara by visiting its website, Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram or LinkedIn.

If you are a community member, you can make an impact in several ways:

Sign up for the REACH Niagara email list: 
Become an ally by joining their monthly donor program: about/donate/ 
Make a one-time donation to help them provide the care the community needs: about/donate/ 

Help Support Our Cause

From clothing and household items, to bikes and monetary donations, there are lots of ways you can help support migrant workers in your community.

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