Listed below is a collection of articles about migrant workers published throughout this past month.
The list is meant as a resource and the views expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect those of NMWIG or its members.
- Ball, David P. “B.C.’S Migrant Farmworkers Mark Father’s Day Far From Their Kids.” Metro, 16 June 2017.
- Devlin, Megan. “Migrant Farm Workers Celebrate Father’s Day Far From Families.” CTV Vancouver, 18 June 2017.
- Jefferies, Brenda. "Flamborough Workshop Focuses on Bike Safety Among Migrant Workers". Flamborough Review, 2 June 2017.
- “Leamington Migrant Workers Set for International Baseball Tournament.” CBC News, 15 June 2017.
- “Mexican Consulate in Leamington, Ont. Urges Water Safety After Migrant Worker Drowns.” CBC News, 16 June 2017.
- Richmond, Randy. "Stan Raper, Who Fought for Health and Safety Protection for Farm Workers, Dies at 55". The London Free Press, 6 June 2017.
- Sanders, Rachel. “How Technology Puts Pressure on BC’s Migrant Farm Workers.”, 29 June 2017.
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